Chapter: 8 Nautilus
Corps Gunner
HP: 1092
Zweg Metrodroid
Phoenix Down
Spica Defenders
Guardian Amult
Healer’s staff
Star Pendant-Only if you find the Chocobo Chick.
Game Play:
So here we are a Vanille and Sazh again. There aren’t any
spheres in the first area to grab so just move towards the markers on the maps.
Watch the Cut scene. From where we start go down the path and take a right.
After the next cut scene move on into the park, there is a save point near by
if you wish to use it. And at some point in all of this use the CP you’ve
earned in the Crystarium. Try aiming for Renew and/or raise with Vanille’s
medic and unlock Haste in Sazh’s Synergist. Now take the first pod you come to
and travel to the Park proper.
There are a few spheres in the area to get. At the end of the
very last arrival thing there is a sphere by a chocobo to grab before moving
on. Here you get to hunt down the Chick, check the group of sheep looking
things dead in front of you first, then the toy stand, then over the fountain
in the tower thing, then in a group of chocobos. If you mange to hunt down the
little bugger you get a sphere. Yay for us!
Anyway keep going past the save point towards the Mall and the
next map marker. Oh look a cut scene. As you zig and zag around the area there
are 3 spheres to pick up. One along the way and the 2, one to the far ends of
the paths near the save point.
Side note:
there is a group of Zweg Metrodroids around a sphere, in the
Clock Tower area. You can take these for about 640CP a pop. If you want to make
these re-spawn, all you have to do is run back back and forth between the mall
area sphere and run back.
Boss Fight
Midlight Reaper
CP: 1500
OK so start Use Libra on this guy to find his weakness. Then
cast Haste, faith, bravery and Enfrost on the party, and let Vanille hinder the
guy. Use Dual casting and slash and burn to stagger the mech quickly. Heal when
needed and just kick basic butt. This guy’s got an attack called Nerve Gas that
inflicts poison but this isn’t a big deal.
After the battle you get your 1500 cp and motherlode., but right
after you get thrown into and Eidolon battle. So yeah, anyway, after the cut
scene follow Vanille. Watch yet another cut scene then get ready to fight
another Eidolon.
Eidolon Battle- Brynhildr
Keep with Tide turner in this one too, and be sure to have Haste
and Vigilance always on your characters. Remember Haste then Vigilance in that
order at all times. Ok now switch to War and Peace to heal cause you probably
will need to at this point and then use Dualcasting to drive the Eidolon’s chain
gauge. Switch as needed between the two to get this guy under control in about
2 to 3 minutes. Good Luck! Hit square as soon as it comes on the screen and
you’ve got yourself another summons. Sazh gets another ATB gauge segment.
Watch the cut scene and save when prompted.
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