Friday, August 8, 2014

Final Fantasy XIII Guide By Ed Chapter Seven

Chapter 7: Palmpolum


Corps Tranqifex


PSICOM Scavenger

PISCOM Aerial Sniper

Corps Pacifex
HP: 5970
CP: 32

Falco Velocycle



PSICOM Bombardier

PSICOM Predator

PISCOM Warlord
HP: 22680
MA: 150

Lodestar Behemoth
HP: 37800


Fiber-optic cable(X3)
Holy Water(X3)
Holy Water(X4)
Phoenix Down
Mobius Coil(X2)
Aqua Ring
Warding Talisman
Insulated Cabling(X4)
Holy Water(X4)
Incentive Chip(x2)
Guardian Amulet
Shaman’s Mark
Thrust Brearing(3)

Game Play

Alright we are back and ready to kick some PSICOM and Corps booty! Take a moment and check out the Crystarium, level up where you can. Since Light will be spending a bit of time this chapter as a Ravager, try to unlock Thundara and Blizard after that Smite in her Commando role. Unlock Watera and Thundara for Hope then work on Medic then Synergist

If you take the hook near the tunnel entrance you’ll find a sphere hiding behind some trucks in the area. Alright once in the tunnel grab the sphere on the left.

Once you get into the big tunnel that Hope was talking about turn around an pick up a sphere. Ok so this is where things can get a little funny. There are some spheres around there that can be hard to get. For those of you like me who have to get them all, I’m going to give instructions. If you don’t want to get these spheres for whatever reason, just skip ahead.

OK run to the end of the thing and use the what’s it here to call a who’s it. You got that? No? ok. At the end of the platform use the device to call the floating detached platform to you. Now ride the sweet ride that’s really slow to it destination, then get off. Ok after disembarking the floating disc, activate the thing on the left and get back on the disc. This will take you to a location with 2 spheres. OK once back to the second dock, move around the catwalk(I’m too sexy for this guide) to find a set of Flanitors. These are more annoyance that threat, but the other guy that looks like a Scalebeast, Lucidon, is a pain. Alternate between Slash and burn and war and peace to keep your health up and once the stagger gauge hits about 40% switch to dualcasting to finish the job. This baddie can be Launched once staggered.

Ok so at the end of the Catwalk there is another dock, activate the one on the left to be taken to an area with spheres, a Lucidon and a Flanitor. Get the jump of these baddies to get off to a good start. So collect your goodies and head back to the second dock again. This time activate the thing on the right to move on.
Or as was my case just get back on the fly disc.

Move along now pond to the cut scene that awaits you beyond the Lucidon. Once it’s over keep going down the cat walk, pick up the sphere along the way and watch a cut scene. Fight or run from the annoying Flanitors and jump on the dics at the end of the catwalk. Use the save point if you wish and use the elevator at the end of the catwalk, yeah the catwalk. Watch yet another cut scene before going up.

We pick up play as Snow. Yay! Thing of all the awesome we can be now! Sort of if you like Snow’s butt saving kind of awesome. Anyway we get to finally fight with our Shiva summons! Way to go! WE only got the thing in like chapter 3! Good grief. Ok so take out the Orion first, then get the small fish.
Ok so short cut scene and then use all that CP in the crystaruim on Snow! You should be able to completely buy all available crystals for at lest 2 of his 3 roles, Sentinel, Commando and Ravager. Sentinel has an accessory slot near the role level crystal. So use the cp you have and work on the final role as you go. Be sure to create the Dual casting paradigm and supersolider, then feel free to save and move forward.
Fight your way through a bunch of troops, up the ice path thing and around the terrace. There is a sphere at the end to pick up. However the thing is guarded by 2 Corps Pacifix and a PSICOM Warlord. Collect the sphere if you wish other wise use the blue ring to jump out on to the ice path thing. If you go to the right after getting off the ice bridge there is a sphere at the end of the platform, guarded by some guys. Beat them up if you want the sphere other wise, got to the left and carry on with your trek around the Terrace. After you jump down into the tunnel there is a sphere behind you. Grab it and then keep going right down the tunnel.
Use the save point if you wish. Jump down from here into another tunnel, then watch the cut scene.

Ok now who are we? Someone totally new! It’s Fang! Use the Crystarium and all that fun stuff. Make sure you have War and Peace and Divide and Conquer(saboteur and Commando). The big buys for Fang are Launch, Smite and Adernaline in her commando role and Slowaga and accessory crystal in her Saboteur role. Use the rest as you see fit. After that fight and be awesome! Then watch a shocking cut scene.

Ok so now we’re back and Snow and Hope. Cp Crystarium, you know the drill at this point right? There is a sphere behind you to grab, other wise save if you wish and move on. Fight or flee as you see fit. There is a tricky sphere to get here. Just past the first corner there is a little place were you can jump up on to catwalk, at the end of which is a sphere. Ok so once you get that jump back down and keep going around. There are several places were you could avoid a battle however you may want the cp, so it’s up to you which route you take through the city. By the next save point there is a sphere, use the save station if you wish, and fight through the barriers.

Keep going till you hit a cut scene. Fight the PSICOM guys that drop in on you and keep moving toward the markers on the map. Oh look now we’re on a roof. Use the handy dandy save point, and keep moving forward fighting your way through the baddies. After you jump down into the tunnel like area there is a sphere behind where you land. Be careful here there is a ninja falco Velocycle. As you go around the area there is an off shoot with a sphere. Then behind the billboards. Head towards the markers on the map, fighting of fleeing as you see fit,. Grab the sphere on your way, sitting in the open on the right, watch out for another ninja Falco Velocycle. At the top of the jumps there is another sphere all the way around, out run the snipers or fight them as you wish. You might want to use a shroud here to keep yourself hidden or to get the jump on the baddies as needed. If you can get the jump on the Velocycle and sniper you stand a good chance of knocking them out before they get you. Keep going along the rails and metal walk ways to the next save point. There is a nasty little battle before the save point with a Velocyle and 2 snipers. Do what you need to take them out and move on. I strongly suggest saving your game if you haven’t already. You want to make sure that all ability roles are covered in your Crystarium for both Snow an Hope that this point. It’s important.

Boss fight

Ushumgal Subjugator
HP: 12600

This beasties Tail Hammer is a nasty piece of work. It can hit the party for massive damage. For this reason you never should let either party memebers heath fall below about half. Other wise you are done for. Use Supersolider to buff the party to the gills and then switch to slash and burn. Hit the beastie till the stagger guage is about 1/3 full then shift to Dualcasting to kick major but and stagger the creature. Heal as needed to stay alive. Repeat steps 1-3 as needed to complete boss fight.

Once it flies off, and a cut scene and a save prompt later, we find ourselves and Fang and Light again. Yay!! Ladies!! Anyway use the CP on them in the Cyrstarium.

Note: You need to take out Orion and Lodestar when you encounter them, they are the big bads of this area. Remember to use Slow against these guys and others to keep your party on the winning side.

OK so from the starting point go back, there is a sphere to plunder. Jump up the funny ladders and then save again if you want. Head towards and beat the group of Soldiers. Do you know where we are yet? There was a save point by the Lodestar Behemoth. You can out run the big guy, but he offers 128 Cp, so he might be worth the fight. Use slow to get the upper hand heal when needed. If you choose not to fight the big bad beastie that’s fine.

In order to open the sphere on the way to Felix Heights you must defeat the baddies near by. Head towards the marker on the map, and watch the cut scene. Afterwards save if you want and keep going along your way. You can in theory follow Light straight though the baddies to the next save point if you wish. Take this time to gather any CP you may need and fill your Tp gauge if needed. There are 2 spheres in the area that you can collect if you wish, they are at opposite ends of the garden.
Either way save at the save point and get ready for a fight. You can either fight or boogey past the Behemoth and little dude, totally up to you.

Boss fight

Ushumgal Subjugator (Walking)
HP: 378000

Ok this is easy enough at first. As Hope use Libra, the stand by looking cute for your HP to be drained away. The real fight doesn’t start till Light and Fang walk in. Evened odds is a good paradigm to start with. Let Hope buff the party while Fang slows down the baddie and let Light heal. If you’re looking for the fast track then switch to Relentless Assault, healing when needed. If you want a more sure way for a first time win switch back and forth between Delta attack and Solidarity. Both of which have Medics in the party. It can take a bit to stagger the bugger but hit him hard once you do. You may have to stagger him a few times to beat him.

After the batter you get a cut scene and a nice reward. You got a Shield Talisman, that grants the wearer protect status at the start of each battle. Nice right? Equip this one either your partor Hope. Now go up the stairs and grab the sphere as you go by and meet up with Hope and the gang. Now watch a cut scene. A very awkward cut scene. Save your game when you have control again. Use your cp where you can then maybe take a look around the house. In several rooms you look into you can see the other characters, like Light standing by as Snow rests and Hope and his father in the living room. Turn on the tv to continue with the story. But man! That is a big apartment! So watch the cut scene and get ready for a fight afterwards. Make your way to the back of the house to find a sphere. There is also a sphere in the corner of the living room. Ok make your way to the marker on this map, and watch yet another cut scene.

Boss fight

Havoc Skytank

First thing here switch to Evened odds and let Hope buff up the party. Ok once everyone has at least shell and protect, then you can start taking out the 4 parts of the tank before attacking the main part. As each of the little parts explode, it knocks a chunk of hp off the tank. Switch between Delta attack and Solidarity to slowly but surely take this thing out. Towards the end this mech gets a stagger % of 200. Stagger the tank and take names. For the fight you get access to a new shop, an expansion in the Crystarium and 1800 CP. Watch the cut scene and save when prompted if you wish.

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