Thursday, August 7, 2014

Final Fantasy XIII Guide By Ed Chapter Six

Chapter 6: The Sunleth Waterscape


HP: 7290
MA: 53
ST: 107
Stag: 150%
CP: 32


Hedge Frog
HP: 513
MA: 152
ST: 598
Stag: 120%
CP: 8

HP: 896
ST: 48
Stag: 130%

Stag: 115%
CP: 160

Mud Frog
HP: 9450

Stag: 200%
CP: 128


Mysterious Fluid (X8)
Belladonna Wand
Doctor’s Code
Iron Shell(X15)
Scaled Wing(X10)
Metal Armband
Aqua Ring

Game Play

So we start out as Sazh and Vanille. Yay! Use all that CP that we’ve gained as Light and Hope, then if you wish save your game. (I told you it’s a guiding rule) Anyway with Vanille I would work on her Medic level first then Ravager, then Saboteur. With Sazh work on Ravager and Commando first then Synergist. Synergist gives Sazh an extra accessory slot and with Vanille you want to unlock Cura and Ensuna in her medic role and Poison in her Saboteur role.

You want to have the undermine Paradigm with Saboteur role and Ravager, Dualcasting and slash and burn again this time around. Flandragora are immune to physical damage, so be sure to have dualcasting or undermine on hand. The war and peace for healing with a medic and commando or Yin and Yang with A medic and Ravager. Either works for healing.

Now after all that we are ready to move on! Welcome to the Sunleth Waterscape. Isn’t it pretty? From the save point just jump across to the next island and keep going like that for a while. If you go to the left after the blue jump rings you’ll find a sphere waiting of the plundering. Grab it and get back to the way you were going.

Be on the look out for a sphere in the Sun-dapple trail area, on the left early on it contains the Belladonna wand for Vanille. On the round about with all the Flandraora there is a sphere, containing a new weapon for Sazh, a pair of zprocyons. Equip these if you wish before moving on.

If you got to the left and fight a group of Gremlins there is a sphere to collect back there. Watch the cut scene and get ready to be sad. Very sad only. Anyway pick yourself up and dry you eyes, and let’s carry on.

Continue down the path, save if you wish or shop or upgrade at the Save point.

Ok so like the game says, you’re going to be facing Scalebeasts. These guys are easy to sneak up on, but they wont take damage till they are staggered so keep that in mind going forward. That being said they do yield 160 CP each time. They are harder to beat, but if you keep your health up and stagger the buggers fast a couple of times they are yours. There is a sphere to the left of where we start after the cut scene that is guarded by a Scalebeast, it’s treasure is Iron Shells(X 15). Other than that you can avoid the Scalebeasts unless you just wanna fight them.

Pick up the sphere on your way down the trail on the left past the Scalebeasts but before the Gremlins. (Gremlins sound like my ferrets chittering when they’re mad at me.) take out the next group of gremlins and collect your sphere. (at this point for me all my character roles were at the Crystarium caps. You may want to think about doing this too, before the end of the chapter)

Anyway at the big tree there is another cut scene, apparently we needed some down time. Anyway go look for Sazh! ( I need a moment. *Sniff* Ok let’s carry on)

OK now it starts to get a little weird. Here you get to control the weather, sort of. At the Save point save again if you wish, and read thought the tutorial the game gives you on the weather control spheres.

So in the rain you will encounter Mud frogs, Hedge Frogs, and scalebeats. In sunny weather you will encounter Wyverns and Flandragora and in either condition you will meet both Gremlins and Garchimacera.

So stick with rain for the first orb. At the second switch to dry conditions. Each time you change the conditions you respawn the baddies in the area. Anyway sticking with rain then dry will pit you against a set of flandragora to get to a treasure sphere instead of a scalebeast. So take the right hand path after the second orb to avoid the Wyvern. It’s a nasty beastie that can be a challenge to beat. If you feel up to it or need the CP then go for the battle other wise the Flandragora are a much easier set of critters to take out. Touch the third weather sphere to switch back to rainy.

If you decide to fight the Wyvern, use Esuna to remove protect from the creature. And be sure to buff up yourself. Keep and eye on your hp and just hit it till it staggers then hit it some more.

By pass the Scalebeast, if you want or take it out, up to you. Once inside what seems to be a cave go to the left and switch to dry conditions again. This time it’s easier to fight the Flandragora again than a scalebeast. Collect the sphere neary by and carry on after switching back to rain. Alright! The control by the scalebeast is the last one. You might want to switch it back to dry before moving on. Save at the save point and if you haven’t hit the level caps for your roles yet, you might want to think about grinding till you do. Either way get ready for this chapter’s boss fight.

A little set up before hand. Have tide turner in your Paradigm deck.( Synergist And Saboteur) Make regular use of War and Peace in the up coming fight or you may not make it. You also what Dual casting in your deck. So your Paradigm deck should be Tide Turner, Dualcasting, Slash and Burn, and War and Peace.

Also having your Crystarium maxed out for this point in the game is a great way to make sure you have all the abilities needed to beat these guys. OK preparations are complete, here we go.

Boss fight

Enki and Enlil



OK so start with Tide Turner. Debuff Enlil and let Sazh cast his protective spells on the party. It might be a good idea to choose the abilities you want to cast as Saboteur, You want deportect, deshell and poison on Enlil and you don’t want auto-hinder to change targets on you with out warning.

USE LIBRA OR LIBASCOPE! These guys have weaknesses. Enki is weak to Lighting and immune to water and Enlil is weak to water but Immune to lighting. So keep that in mind!

Now that we have our buffs and debuffs in place lets start kicking some butt. Use Slash and Burn to bump the stagger gauge on Enlil to about 40%. Once there switch to Dual casting to stagger the beastie quickly. Once Enlil performs bellow be ready for things to get harder.

Bellow bestows a bunch of buffs on Enlil that make things just a bit harder of you. It also means an attack called Raging Tempest. You should be able to stop this with him on screen and by attacking him before he can preform the attack. Keep healing and don’t worry, he’ll fall.

Enraged is an attack that will more or less claw you. Both creatures preform this attack. Both will preform Bellow too. The buffs are the same for each creature. Enki goes down easier than his friend.

You get 1000 cp and an Crystarium expansion after the battle. Take a moment it upgrade what you can and get ready to move on.

Hey guess what? Next Chapter!

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