Thursday, August 7, 2014

Final Fantasy XIII Guide By Ed Chapter Thirteen

Chapter 13- Orphan’s Cradle


HP: 452000

Aquila Velocycle

Mergrim Thersher


Sanctum Templar


Centurion Blade ( Summoned by Immortal)
CP: 0

ST: 1765
Stag: 300%
CP: 1600

MA: 781
ST: 781
Stag: 200%
Stag: none


Cherub’s crown
Perfect Conductor(X4)
Particle Accelerator (X2)
Seaking’s Beard(X20)
Aegisol (X2)
Tear of Woe(X9)
Gale Ring
Shamanic Spear
Tetradic Crown
Starblossom Seed(X6)
Black Mycelium(X8)
Weriding Glyph
Adamant Bangle
3000 gil
5000 gil


WOOT! Go us! We are at the final chapter! Right on! We have work our gamer thumbs to the bone and now here we are at the end, so take a sec and congratulate yourself on getting here.

Ok let’s not rest just yet we aren’t done so let’s get ready for this. Alright you remember me saying back in chapter 11 that we get to go back to Gran Pulse if we want/need? Well once in side the cradle 2 warp gates open up. One allows us to go back to the Edenhall map and the other takes us to Base Camp in Vallis Media. So If you want you can go back and do all those side quests and now you could even take on a few of the stronger baddies, but this is not your last chance to do so. If you haven’t had any problems to this point or you’re just itching to go mark hunting, just carry on. You can’t get the last Crystarium expansion till after you be the final boss so it’s usually just better to carry on from here. Again don’t worry you’ll have plenty of time to explore and beat up monsters after the credits role.

Ok so unless your just really itching to fight something right off just ignore the Sacrifices here and move to the second left and follow the path to the end collecting 3 spheres there.

So we gathered spheres and beat some baddies and now we’re ready to move on to the next maker. There will be a shot cut scene, afterwards take the left platform and collect the sphere in this area. Then go back and take the right platform and collect those spheres before moving on. Oh look at that a save point. Save if you want then examine the stature goddess thing to gain access to the next set of areas.

While running around this area you will encounter strange groupings of baddies. One of which is the Sacrifice and the Veleocycle. These guys are a deadly duo, but you can take ‘em. So here’s what you do. Take out the Sacrifice first, then the cycle. Another is Sacrifice and Dragonites. Dispatch the Dragonites first or their rush attack will cause problems for you.

There are 4 spheres in this area. One to the right and down, another to the right and up, and the third to the left and up. There is another to the back of the starting area behind a group of Sacrifices and a Velocycle. The Megrim Thresher can be a challenge however it can be de-buffed, so try to do so when fighting one of these, then use Relentless assault to take it out.

When faced with a group with a Sanctum Templar in it, take out the Templar fast. He hits hard but has a devastating attack called Charging Manadrive. This will inflict several debilitating status aliments on your party right before a near fatal lighting elemental attack, however lucky us this isn’t really used during the first few moments of battle. The Templar can be launched, do so and juggle this guy in the air.

Now moving on the marker, there is a save point, use it if you wish, and get ready for a boss fight.

Boss Fight

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"-Lewis Carroll

ST: 1765
Stag: 300%
CP: 1600

MA: 781
ST: 781
Stag: 200%

Ok so the Jabberywockey is immune to magic and the Bandersnatch is immune to physical attacks. The Jabberywokey can be hit with physical attacks but the damage is reduced to 1/10 and the Bandersnatch can be hit with magic but that damage is reduced by half. So what do we do Ed? Well you start with Evened Odds and let Fang de-buff the mighty beasts, while Hope buffs and Light heals. Ok so you want to make sure that Fang casts Deprotect on the Jabbery-baby-wockey, then you can enter Delta Attack or Mystic Tower, oh Champion and precede to kick butt! It will take a bit since Light’s Commado is the only one that does real damage and Hope’s Ravager helps to at least drive the stagger gauge up, while Fang takes the majority of the hits for us. Make sure to reapply Deprotect as needed throughout this part of the fight. Jabber-baby-wockey should fall with in a few staggers. Move on the frumious Bandersnatch now. Switch to evened odds and let Fang cast deshell, then swtich to relentless assault and let the party do their work. This should bring a fairly quick end to the fight.

Once this is over we are transported back to where we were before and a brief cut scene takes place. Save if you want and let’s get ready to move on. We are so close can you feel it? I can.

Ok so next area can be a bit of a challenge. This is where you will come across come strange combos of familiar baddies. These can get a little hard to handle. That being said the left path is most likely the easier of the two. You can evade the Cycles and get the jump on the others if you’re careful or use a shroud.

In order to collect the spheres that are in this area you have to defeat the Immortal on the first ring, then use the waypoints. There are 4 in this area. I used a deceptisol to be the preemptive strike on the Mech, then just hit him hard with Relentless Assault till he fell, I only got hit once, but I’m going out on a limb here and gonna say that is not a typical result. Now once the Immortal is beaten and you can warp to the upper and lower levels you aren’t troubled by baddies till you come back to your original location. One of these spheres contains the first Elixir of the game.

Ok so you can easily avoid the 2 Velocycles here,(going to the left ) and you can get the prermptive on the Templar and Thresher. Take out the Templar first then weaken the Thresher with evened odds then take it out with Relentless assault. You’ll have to fight a group of Sacrifices and a Thresher to be able to keep going. Try to get a preemptive on them, even use a shroud if you have one. Take out the Cie’th first then work on the bigger enemy.

Save your game here and use all the CP you have to this point, then set your default Paradigm to Protection.

Boss Fight

Stag: 999%

Alrigthy then! Let’s do this thing! Ok so this guy hit hard and has a rather nasty ability called Mounting Contempt which will cast Deprotect and/or deshell on the party right before a mean physical attack. This can take out a party member. Now what we do to win this thing is let Hope buff *claps * us up. Once that’s in place and if we get hit with this ability the buffs will just go away and that is our cue to switch to protection and let Hope re apply the buff.

So we have buffed up party now what? Well switch to Delta attack and just wail on the Cie’th till it falls.

From here, use the save point then move toward the strange goddess statues that either want to help or kill us, and wait for the next area to be created. Ok so there is a “hidden” elevator in the corner but leave it for now, and go up the ramp instead. There are 2 spheres on the platform, both containing gil. Granted that you have to fight some old friends to get them, but it’s up to you. The fact that these former bosses still drop the same amount of CP for a regular battle is awesome! This is a good place to farm. So keep in mind while you are here that once you go through the warp point you can’t return to this spot again, without using a previous save. So take some time and power level, it can only help you in the long run. I suggest getting as close as you can to completing available Crystarium as you can stand. To make these baddies re-spawn run to the save point on the lower level.

Once you’ve leveled to your heart content or as far as you can stand, head towards the marker. The group of Sanctum Templars can be a hassle but if you stay with your healing you can get them. You still have the option of power leveling at this point if you want to, other wise use the warp point and dig in for yet another boss fight.

Boss Fight

Tiamat Eliminator

OK So this guy has 2 stages, one fly and one on the ground and it usually changes after a stagger ends.

OMG this is one very long battle, I feel asleep during it. But that aside, here’s what you do, mind numbing as it is. When it’s off the ground Tiamat’s attack inflict status aliments and when it’s on the ground it’s attacks take status buffs away.
When in the air most of it’s attacks aren’t anything to worry about, they’re really just more annoying than anything, however Tail Hammer will launch the party into the air. Overdrive gives the Mech buffs, that you can have Fang remove in Evened odds, but it might be safer to stay with her as a sentinel. Use protection long enough to get Haste on Hope and Light then switch to Mystic Tower or Delta attack for a quick stagger.

When you see Descent text on the screen the mech is landing and when staggered can be launched, this might be a good time to then chance, Relentless Assault. When the stagger is over the mech will take to the air again. Rinse and repeat till beaten.

Now after this fight you can’t go back, so I suggest creating a separate save file so if you aren’t ready you can come back to the CP gold mind we just left behind. That being said we will have the chance to return to Pulse before the final boss again.

Ok so this is the final area of the game! We made it. Now if you find your self lacking in the coming battles you can return to the start of Orphan’s Cradle and journey to Pulse or the Edenhall to gather some PC. Buy 2 cherb’s crowns from the shops and make sure you have no less that 5 phoenix downs for the up coming fights. These are back to back.

If you want to take the time and do some of the side quests you can but again you don’t get the final level of the Crystrium till after the final boss fights, so keep that in mind as you travel the expansive world.

Alright here we go!

Final Boss

Stag: 250%
CP: 0

Start but sticking with the protection Paradigm, until all party members have at least Bravery and Faith.
Alright this is the last time we’re going to see this guy so let’s make it count. In the incarnation Bart only has three attacks. The laser is back, along with the lesser seen Ultima, that does moderate damage to well buffed parties, again Thanatosian Laughter. So once you’re buffed and ready to fight, (which you can use a shroud to start the fight if you wish) use Delta Attack or Mystic Tower to pound away at this Fal’Cie. Once staggered you could if you’re brave switch to Relentless assault, but keep in mind that when you see Thanatosian Laughter text on screen, switch to Combat Clinic right away. If the battle goes on for 20 minuets Bart will cast Doom on the party leader. If your party is buffed up enough you shouldn’t have this problem.

Orphan-(First Form)
Stag: 400%

There is no rest for the wicked. We are thrown right in to this battle after that grueling fight with Bart. So once the battle starts, pause and select retry. When the main menu pop up replace Protection with Agression (Commando(X2) + ravager) and set combat clinic as your active paradigm. Make sure to equip as many Cherb’s crowns as you can on Light. This will be a great help later in this fight.

Ok so Orphan has 2 modes in this fight. Consume dark and Consume Light. When it moves between these two modes it follows the change with an attack called Merciless Judgment, which hits all party members for massive damage. Always shift to combat clinic when you see the text on screen to avoid dying and having to start the battles over again.

After recovering from Orphan’s welcome, switch to Evened Odds and wait for the others to buff and de-buff till Hope has put 6 puffs on each character. Once done switch to relentless assault, healing with combat clinic when any characters hp hits about 50%. Right before the first stagger ends switch to Combat Clinic, because Orphan is going to whip out Merciless Judgment again.

When it’s in Consume Darkness mode Orphan will use stronger attacks that have the added ability to inflict status aliments on the party. Just let them be and keep hitting Orphan with Relentless assault. You need to fill the change gauge as fast as possible right now, with limited breaks to heal. Once staggered it will not attack in Consume Dark mode. So rather than hitting it hard while staggered renew your buffs and it’s de-buffs then if you have time hit it hard.

Once again after recovering from Merciless Judgment, hop back to Relentless Assault. You should be doing a good job of bringing down Oprhan’s hp. Just when you think you have it in the bag, this guy will pull out a couple of dirty tricks. First Merciless Judgment starts to happen any old time and the second is that it starts using an attack called Progenitorial Wrath. This nasty piece of work can kill any character targeted no matter their current status. So yeah not very nice. This is the reason for those Cherub’s Crowns, in order to boost Light’s chances of not being killed when targeted. If any one else falls use a phoenix down.

Later on things start to get will unpredictable. Orphan will attack with any of it’s attack at random and this can cause some headache. When staggered fill the gauge to 999% the switch to Aggression and let the commandos just wreak havoc on it. You should be using these and Orphan should fall in about 10 minuets or so.

Orphan (Second Form)

Ok so there’s a pesky Doom counter just ticking away, so right off the bat go into Relentless Assault and just attack Orphan. In this form Orphan is immune to damage till staggered. Once staggered though it can be launched, thought it can still attack while in the air. You can use Light’s Army of One ability to build the stagger gauge. You’ll have to select this one manually but all in all still a great ability to use.

Keep an eye on everyone’s HP and heal when needed. Like in the first battle when the stagger gauge hits 999% switch to Aggression and let the commandos have go at it. When the stagger ends switch to Evened odds and let Fang dispel any of Orphan’s buffs while Hope buffs you * Clap * up after it performs Rebirth. Once that’s done rinse and repeat till beaten. If all goes well you should be able to defeat this guys in the third stagger.

Woot! That’s the end Congrats! Watch you’re well deserved end scenes and sit back! You beat Final Fantasy XIII!

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