Thursday, August 7, 2014

Final Fantasy XIII Guide By Ed Chapter Nine

Chapter 9: The Palamecia


HP: 20592

PISCOM Infiltrator
HP: 9504


PSICOM Dragoon

PSICOM Huntress
HP: 11960




Vespid Solider

MA: 0
ST: 176
Stag: 165%
CP: 269


Digital Circuit (X4)
Incentive Chip(3)
Silicone Oil (X3)
Ember ring
Pandoran Spear
Royal Armlet
Murky Ooze (X12)
White Cape
Perfect Conductor
Pain Dampener
Segmented Carapace (X8)
Phoenix Down
Whistlewind Scarf
Perfect Conductor
Barbed Tail (X3)
300 Gil
Spark Ring
Pain Dampener
Ruen Bracelet (X2)
Gold Bangle
Perfect Conductor


We are back with the 4 musketeers and ready to kick butt. Use the CP and all that jazz. Since Light will be a Ravager for most of the level you might want to unlock Areo and the Watera in her cyrstarium. Then Renew and Raise for her. Same with Hope, Renew first then the others. For Fang work on getting to steelguard in the sentinel role, the curse and cursaga in Saboteur. Save if you want and then talk to Rygdea at the marker.

Ok so fun on a bun and all that stuff, watch the cut scene, and move on with the story. (I’m just glad I don’t have to fly anything)OK so now we are in the heart of the baddies turf and we have to fight our way through! Save often here guys!

Make sure you have the Diversity Paradigm going forward. Bully is another good one and Relentless Assault is nice.

After jumping all that way, use the thing to call the window washing platform like thing. Ride that up and then jump the rest of the way. Once you land turn around and grab a sphere. Ok so after we get outside yet again turn around cause there is sphere past two Deckdrones waiting for you. After jumping across the ships, behind you is another sphere. Yet again after jumping up the ship there is another sphere behind your landing point to collect.

Side Note: The External Berths and the Crew Corridors are great places to farm CP. The Deckdrones drop Digital Circuits and Silicone Oil, these are great for upgrading your accessories and weapons. As an addes bonus each Deckdrone drops 141 cp. Once and a while the Dragoons will drop an Incentive Chip, this little thing has a value of 2500 gil. Inside the ship the baddies here can be farmed for CP and Credit Chips worth 500 gil apiece and occasionally the rare Incentive Chip. To re-spawn these baddies just hop the line between map sections.

Once in the Crew Corridor take the first right and there is a sphere waiting for you there. Fun little fact if you go to the end of the first hall you come to after coming back inside, you end up in a little alcove with a few baddies and a save point. Ok so taking that right, we travel around fighting as we go, grab the sphere as you go by. You can juggle the Viking in the way with a little bit of good timing and come on that just too fun to do.

Ok so be careful not to just run past the next save point. Use it if you wish then keep on fighting your way down the hall. Remember you can farm vast amounts of CP and other spoils if you wish or need to in the External Berths and the Crew Corridor.

So pick up the sphere on your way to the mark at the end of the hall here. Now watch the cut scene and get ready to have a little bit of fun. Back as Sazh and Vanille, at the end of the left hall there is a sphere. Grab the goodies by the marker and keep going!

Wasn’t that fun?

Ok so we pick up again with the others. Spend some CP if you can and save at the save point. Now we find ourselves in a round area. There are 2 spheres on the center circle and 2 at opposite ends of the room. Alright so gather your goodies and fight your way around the circles if you wish. It’s worth noting here that you will want Fang to know the Curse ability soon, so work on getting that if you don’t have it already.

OK back as Sazh and Vanille. About half way around the outer circle there is a sphere guarded by a few flans. Take them out and gather you goodies. Remember to us your CP and gather the crystals you can. Take the second right to get the other goodie in the area. There are some rather strong baddies for a 2 man team, but this path is the path of lest resistance so to speak. Take out the Vespid first then move on to the big guy next. Heal when you need to and just dig in.

Now we’re going to jump back to Light and the l’ce Gang. CP, Crystarium, ect. I suggest that after getting Curse and Cusaga for Fang focus on any HP crystals that you can buy. You’ll want it later. Right now behind the start point is a sphere to grab, but there also be baddies that way. Take out the Vespid Soliders first then the Viking. OK so from the save point make your way through the flap things. At the next part of this area there is a little open air maze like thing. There is sphere to grab off to the far right side. Just pan the camera over to the side and you can’t miss it.

Take out the Dragoons first then the Vikings, healing if needed. After the save point at a walk down the wall right there and grab the sphere at the end of the path. Ok there is a a sphere here that can be hard to pick up. To get this one ride the funny ramp down to the bottom level then go around to where the sphere is. Grab it and go back. Now after that there is another in the far right corner guarded by Dragoons. So you can just move towards the marker or you can get all that CP from the baddies in the area, either is fine. Just try to get all the skill crystals you can.

Boss Fight

Kalavina Striker

Soon as the battle starts inflict Curse and slow on this guy using the bully paradigm. Once that’s done and you have a few buffs of your own, switch to Relentless Assault, switching to diversity to heal to stagger the beastie. This should be too easy, and you should know why by now right?

Kalavina Striker (2)

Like before hit the flying freak with Curse and Slow fast as you can, then with Buffs of your own in place switch to Relentless Assault with the occasionally switch to Diversity to heal. This time around the beast makes frequent use of an attack called, Hellstorm Blot. This can drain anywhere from 1/3 to ½ of any party members hp, so keep on that healing! Renew comes in handy here and if you need to summon Odin to help out.

Ok if you did this well you’ll have ending this battle in about 5 minuets. Watch the cut scene and ooh pretty.

Ok so SAVE! Use your cp all that fun stuff. Ok now to navigate this mess ahead.
There are quite a few spheres to get here. To start activate the thing off to the side to call stairs! Yay stairs! Take out the punks at the bottom and activate the back left thing, then grab the sphere there. Now activate the thing in the back on this platform. Run up the newly called ramp and grab the sphere. Go back and activate the back right thing to get to the next platform. Beat the baddies here and then activate the thing in the back to call the ramp and get another sphere. From here you can just go straight forward using the call things to call the ramps. There is a sphere on the next platform down. From here you can either go down one and across or go across and go down. Across and down has only one battle where the other way has two or you could go back to the first platform and go to the left then straight down like here. There is a sphere on the third platform. Be sure to keep an eye on your health through this area. It can be tough. That being said you want to be close as you can to the role level crystals as you can. So try gather the CP you need from this area. Now from that third sphere make your way to the end of the line, there is a sphere waiting for you on each side of the room. There is a final sphere on your way out.

Now you want to do a few things before moving on. One is to make Hero’s Charge Paradigm, (Medic+Commando+synergist) Equip the gold bangle on Hope, the weakest link at this point and then equip two tungsten bangles on Light. Really though you want to be really close to those role level crystals or have bought them already. This area is great to get insane amounts of CP. I highly suggest getting all the currently available crystals you can for each active party member.


Boss Fight

Stag: None
CP: 6000

Left and Right Ailette
Stag: 150%
CP 0

Left and Right Pauldron
HP: 50400
CP: 0

Ok this guy comes with his own choir attached… Creepy. So this will be fun at least. OK so to defeat this guy you have to take out his creepy singing buddies first. Start by switching to the Bully Paradigm to debuff and buff. Then Diversity to keep the girls fighting and Hope healing. Each of the singing heads is weak to something, so use that to stagger them quickly. Either use Libra/ Libra scope or just manually target them with the spells till the AI catches on.

Left Pauldron- Lighting
Left Ailette- Fire
Right Pauldron -Ice
Right Ailette –Water

Once the creepy choir is gone then you can start wailing on Barthandelus. At once use Bully to buff and debuff, then use either relentless Assault or Diversity to kick butt. Barthandelus will stagger at 250% now that his creepy singing buddies are singing from the after life. Remember you have Odin if needed and if Bart here casts Doom on Light no worries you should have plently of time to beat him to a pulp.

OK so for winning we get 6000 CP an expansion to the Crystarium and an Entite Ring. Watch the cut scenes here and then RUN like the Doctor has your hand!

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